Heidi Shoemaker, Secretary

Heidi is currently employed at Howard County Public Schools working as a special educator and team leader at the elementary level.  Heidi works directly with AJ supporting their students at school to be as inclusive as possible. Heidi became interested in Camp Inclusion after many discussions with AJ about the program and is excited to be part of the team. She understands the importance of the program and believe strongly in Camp Inclusion's mission to "build supportive and inclusive friendships." In addition to teaching, Heidi also owns and manages a local bakery called "Once Upon a Crumb."

 Matt Hughes, Treasurer 

Ryan Powell, Board Member at Large 


P.O. Box 146 Glenelg, Maryland 21737

Leani Jacobs, Board Member at Large 

Amy Pippenger, Parent Advocate & Board Member at Large 

Amy is a nurse practitioner working at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore where she has been employed for the past 29 years. For over 10 years, her children Emma and Sam have served Camp Inclusion as peers, volunteers, and counselors and have developed supportive and lasting friendships with many of the wonderful campers. Her son Jack participates in camp every summer and values his enduring relationships throughout the year. He freely shares his unique perspective of the world with everyone he meets and loves all the fun activities. Amy, her husband Richard, and all the Pippengers believe connecting with our community through volunteerism helps to make the world a better place, one we are proud to pass on to future generations. 

Thomas Kay, Camp Inclusion President

Tom is a retired senior sales executive in the Hospitality and Apparel Industries, with careers at Marriott International and Discus Athletic, supporting clients including Disney, Nike, the NFL, NBA and Major League Baseball.  Demonstrated professional skills include organization structure development, team building, sales and partnership marketing.  Active since high school in community service working with Muscular Dystrophy, USO, Capital Area Food Bank, Foundation for Hospital Art and Camp Inclusion.